Show Image As Base64

Show Image As Base64

You can find the extension in Chrome Web Store

Adds the "Show Image As Base64" option to the context menu of images. Can show any image as Base64 code.

The Show Image As Base64 extension can convert and show an image as data:image/png;Base64 format.

Works perfectly for any browsers based on Chromium (such as: Opera, Yandex Browser, etc.).
This extension can convert and show any type of image format to Base64 code.
Converts from:
✔ JPEG   -> Base64
✔ PNG    -> Base64
✔ WebP   -> Base64
✔ BMP    -> Base64
✔ Base64 -> Base64
# Note:
WebP is a new image format developed by Google. These images are small, but their format is not widely recognized yet. By converting the image to Base64, you will be able to use it in image editing programs, and/or like source for web page images.

The Show Image As Base64 is really simple extension for converting and showing any image as Base64 code.

This program is an excellent tool for work with web page images.

Chrome Web Store