Stop Ads - Full Ad Blocking

Stop Ads - Full Ad Blocking

You can find the extension in Chrome Web Store

The free ad blocker that blocks ALL annoying ads, speeds up your browsing and protects your privacy.

Have you ever asked the question how to remove the ads in your browser?
If yes, then offer to you to install Stop Ads Adblock Plus - a new version of the well-known program for ad blocking. 

The extension Stop Ads includes expanded list of Web-filters, that constantly in developing with addition of new special filter-rules, that allows to improve the quality of protection in several times.

This plugin has a number of features and tools that provide quick setup and a comfortable work in the Internet:

- The module "Auto" provides automatic configuration of plugin work with following auto-sensing region and auto-updating of the necessary Web-filters. You do not have to configure anything by hand - auto-tuning will activate automatically when installing an extension.

- The module "Load Filter" allows downloading of the special extended Web-filter list for blocking ad forms, that simply did not blocked by other universal ad blockers.

- The module "Safe Internet" is a special Web-filter list for prevent user access to malware and phishing websites, thus protecting the user from viruses and hacker attacks.

This program will be a great helper for your work and play online.

- Availability of extended and frequently updated Web-filter list.
- Provides blocking of banner ads, video ads, pop-ups and other intrusive advertising.
- Protects the user from malicious resources, viruses and hacker attacks.
- Fully automatic configuring. It begins to work immediately after the first run.
- Intuitive and easy to use interface.
- Saves traffic and speeds up the online resources.

Note: The current version of the extension Stop Ads was founded on the basis of free and open software Adblock Plus ( On some platforms, you may need to restart the browser can after installation.

Chrome Web Store